Deposit Cambridge Dictionary

A substance or layer that is left, usually after a liquid is removed: Decant the wine carefully, so that you leave the deposit in the bottom of the bottle. In hard-water areas, a chalky deposit often forms in pipes and kettles. The flood left a thick deposit of mud over the entire ground floor of the house. Deposit verb (MONEY) C1 T to put something valuable, especially money, in a bank or safe (= strong box or cupboard with locks): There's a night safe outside the bank, so you can deposit money whenever you wish. Deposit something to put money into a bank account. Millions were deposited in Swiss bank accounts. You can withdraw and deposit money in any of our branches. Topics Money c1; deposit something to pay a sum of money as the first part of a larger payment; to pay a sum of money that you will get back if you return in good condition something that you have rented Topics Houses and homes c1. Sub definition is - substitute. How to use sub in a sentence.

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noun:Deposit cambridge dictionary definitionthe act of deposing someone; removing a powerful person from a position or office
noun:(law) a pretrial interrogation of a witness; usually done in a lawyer's office
noun:the natural process of laying down a deposit of something
noun:the act of putting something somewhere
▸ Also see depositions
▸ Words similar to deposition
▸ Usage examples for deposition
▸ Popular adjectives describing deposition
▸ Words that often appear near deposition
▸ Rhymes of deposition
▸ Invented words related to deposition

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noun:threat of a penalty ('The policy so far is all stick and no carrot')
noun:implement consisting of a length of wood ('He collected dry sticks for a campfire')
noun:a lever used by a pilot to control the ailerons and elevators of an airplane
noun:a small thin branch of a tree
noun:informal terms of the leg (Cambridge'Fever left him weak on his sticks')
noun:marijuana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smoking
verb:be or become fixed ('The door sticks--we will have to plane it')
verb:saddle with something disagreeable or disadvantageous
verb:pierce or penetrate or puncture with something pointed
verb:pierce with a thrust using a pointed instrument
verb:cause to protrude or as if to protrude ('Stick one's hand out of the window')
verb:fasten into place by fixing an end or point into something ('Stick the corner of the sheet under the mattress')
verb:fasten with or as with pins or nails ('Stick the photo onto the corkboard')
verb:fasten with an adhesive material like glue ('Stick the poster onto the wall')
verb:cover and decorate with objects that pierce the surface ('Stick some feathers in the turkey before you serve it')
verb:be a devoted follower or supporter ('She sticks to her principles')
verb:stay put (in a certain place) ('Stick around and you will learn something!')
verb:be loyal to
verb:be a mystery or bewildering to
verb:fix, force, or implant
verb:come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation
verb:stick to firmly
name: A surname (very rare: popularity rank in the U.S.: #29599)
▸ Also see stuck

Deposit Cambridge Dictionary Definition

▸ Word origin
▸ Words similar to stick
▸ Usage examples for stick
▸ Popular adjectives describing stick
▸ Words that often appear near stick
▸ Rhymes of stick
▸ Invented words related to

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